Abstracts are invited for oral and poster presentation at the exciting ZSOG Annual Conference 2018

Follow the instructions below for preparation and submission of abstracts. Depending on the subject / style of your presentation, choose format A, B or C.

  1. 1. Maximum 250 Words
  2. 2. Correct Spelling and Language
  3. 3. You may opt to send abstracts by email to info@lucidevents.co.zw
  4. 4. You will receive acknowledgement of receipt by email
  5. 5. For abstract submission kindly use Word.  Oral presenters to use Microsoft Powerpoint for presentation.  
  6. 6. You will be advised of acceptance or otherwise after the deadline date (below)
  7. 7. Deadline:  30 September 2018


Format A - Classical research work presentation

Title: (Concise, Descriptive and Explicit)
Author(s): (SURNAME, other names / initial e.g. Dube, Joseph W) - Underline presenting author
Objectives of Study: A couple of introductory sentences followed by a list of the most important objectives
Methods: Concise description of design and methods used.
Results: Summary of important results
Conclusion: List pertinent conclusion based on findings of the study
Reference: (Maximum of 2)

Format B - Topic not researched according to design in Format A

Title: (Concise, Descriptive and Explicit)
Author(s): (SURNAME, other names / initial e.g. Dube, Joseph W) - Underline presenting author
Issue: A couple of introductory sentences followed by a list of the most important issues
Lessons Learnt:
Reference: (Maximum of 2)

Format C - Topical Subject relevant to the theme:

Title: (Concise, Descriptive and Explicit)
Author(s): (SURNAME, other names / initial e.g. Dube, Joseph W) - Underline presenting author
Block Summary of Presentation: A couple of introductory sentences followed by a list of the most important objectives
Reference: (Maximum of 2)